Thursday, January 8, 2015


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Tonight for homework, I want you to contemplate the role of the Ghost in Act 1 of Hamlet. What is his purpose? Is it for good?  What do you think about the story the Ghost tells Hamlet? Why do you think the Ghost asks Hamlet to "Remember me?" What expectations does this line place on Hamlet?

Please use the comment section below to respond.


  1. The Ghost in the story's purpose is for good because it lets Hamlet and the audience know the true story as to how the king died. In the story the Ghost tells Hamlet, the Ghost reveals that he was not bitten by a snake, but he was poisoned by his own brother who now "wears the crown" (line 47). I believe that the Ghost is actually just made up by Hamlet, who is in mourning, so he can have somewhat of a memory and last moment with his father. The fact that only he can talk to his ghost supports my opinion. Also, the reason the Ghost says "Remember me" is because he wants Hamlet to not become corrupted by the now unnatural state of Denmark and to instead do something about everything going on.

  2. The Ghost's purpose in this story is good because it allows Hamlet as well as the readers to see the true reasoning behind Hamlets fathers death. The Ghost reveals to Hamlet that his brother was killed by his uncle, he also tells his Hamlet to not let the house be that of incest saying "Let not the royal bed of Denmark be a couch for luxury and damned incest."(line 89) I think the ghost wants Hamlet to take over the king because the Ghost knows that the king now is looking out for the nest interest of Denmark like he did. I think the ghost asks Hamlet to remember him so he can revenge his death and bring Denmark back to the ways of the old King. I think the expectations that are put on him are to revenge the death of his father and remove the present king.

  3. The ghost plays an important role in this scene as he is there to help Hamlet. The ghost reveals the truth about how he died. Up until this point, everyone thought that he died because he was bit by a poisonous snake. In reality, his brother Claudius poured poison down his ear while he was sleeping in the garden. The ghost is there to tell this to Hamlet and tells Hamlet to get revenge on his death. He explains how angry he is that his brother took his life, his throne, and his queen so he wants Hamlet to do something about it but he tells hamlet not to harm his mother in any way. The ghost says "remember me" to emphasize the fact that Denmark was in better hands while he was King.

  4. The ghost in scene 5 plays an important role. Hamlet learns about how his father (the ghost) really died. Claudius, the ghost’s brother, murdered him while he was asleep. Knowing this information places even more expectations on him because now he has to avenge his father. The story the ghost has told Hamlet did not surprise me. Claudius has been acting as if nothing was wrong even though his brother just died and on top of that he married his dead brother’s wife within two months of his passing. He has been suspicious throughout the last few scenes and the story is completely believable. I think the ghost asks Hamlet to "remember me" so he doesn't fall into any trap set by Claudius or possibly his mother, Gertrude. Just in case Claudius might be nice to him or act a little suspicious he wants Hamlet to remember what he did to his father.

  5. The role of ghost in this play is important because he is the ghost of Hamlet's dead father, and he is there to help Hamlet because it tells Hamlet the truth behind his death, how he died. His brother Claudius poured poison in his ear in his sleep. And this explains the reaction of Claudius to death of his brother, because he was telling people to move on, that people die it is natural. The king, the ghost, is really angry because his brother killed him, and took everything from him, the throne, the kingdom, everything. He wants Hamlet to do something for revenge.

  6. The Ghost has an extremely important role in the progress of the story, by telling Hamlet the truth about his death. The king's spirit said that Claudius poisoned him in his sleep, to take over his crown and throne. Now Hamlet knows what to do to avenge his father by taking the throne that is rightfully his from the "incestuous... adulterate beast" (line 49) that is his own uncle. The ghost's initial purpose was to show that there was some issues that were not settled in Denmark, he was solid proof that the spirit has some conflicts to resolve. After striking fear through the guards hearts, it then sets the remainder of the storyline by revealing its purpose to Hamlet.

  7. The ghost brings a whole new perspective for Hamlet. Hamlet and the audience is made aware of the new evidence of murder of king Hamlet. Hamlet is shocked by this news. The ghost seems to be for good, but he could be just trying to use Hamlet as a way to get revenge for the crimes committed against him. "that incestuous, that adulterate beast" (59). The ghost is obviously upset with the betrayal of his brother, and pushes Hamlet to revenge his death. The line "remember me" puts the expectation on Hamlet to revenge his fathers death, and to restore Denmark to its former glory.

  8. The Ghost's role in the story is to bring to light the shadowy death of King Hamlet and the true intentions of the Uncle Claudius. This story did not come to a complete surprise to the audience and Hamlet itself, as there have been foreshadowing earlier of discord in Denmark. We had seen that Gertrude and Claudius were not very unmoved by the news of the father's death and Hamlet's relationship with the King and Queen were already frayed. The story told by his father's ghost will spur Hamlet to take action when before he was content to bite his lip. The Ghost's line, "remember me" tells Hamlet he must not forget him like his mother and uncle have. This puts the responsibility on Hamlet to avenge his father's death and save the Kingdom.

  9. The ghost discloses himself and reveals the truth of his death upon his son in order to seek the justice. The story the ghost tells vanishes Hamlet from grief, depression, overwhelmed, and suicidal feeling. Hamlet is now full of motive to keep his life going on and to revenge for his father. The ghost changes Hamlet’s negative feelings into a powerful drive. The ghost expression toward Gertrude, which state that leave her in the heaven, conveys Hamlet to ignore her mother and focus only on the main task, revenging his uncle. The message “Remember me” emphasizes the expectation that he passes on to Hamlet to complete the task.

  10. The Ghost's motivation for telling Hamlet the story is for the better. The ghosts purpose of telling the story is so he can shed some light into a story, that has been disguised to the public and therefore Hamlet. The Ghost of King Hamlet tells him that his brother, Claudius, purposely poisoned him to claim the royal throne. The Ghost wants Hamlet to get revenge and regain the throne that is rightfully his. When the Ghost tells Hamlet to "remember him," he wants Hamlet to get nostalgic and angry over his death. He then wants Hamlet to take out his anger on Claudius. This intervention puts pressure on Hamlet as he can either do nothing and feel guilt and regret for the rest of his life, or he can kill, his uncle, Claudius to regain his throne. The second choice may result in him being seen as a murderer in the eyes of the people.

  11. The Ghost has an important role in Hamlet of the story, as he tells Hamlet the truth about his death. The king said that Claudius poisoned him in his sleep, to take over the crown. The ghost's first purpose was to show Hamlet that there was some issues that were not settled in Denmark. I think the ghost tells Hamlet to "remember me" so he doesn't get fooled by Claudius or possibly his mother, Gertrude. He doesn't want them to convince Hamlet that he died of natural causes and everything is okay.

  12. The Ghost's role in the story becomes extremely beneficial for both Hamlet and the reader. In the reading we find out that Hamlet's father had been poisoned by his brother Claudius. Hamlet would have never known that his greedy power, hungry uncle would have done this if it weren't for the ghost. In my eyes the Ghost is a very beneficial character in this play and he has helped hamlet understand what really occurred the day of his father's death. The Ghost leaves Hamlet by making sure he knows the importance of revenge for his fathers death. He tell hamlet to "remember me." he also says to hamlet. "The glowworm shows the matin to be near and Gins to pale his ineffectual fire" (line 97). The ghost wants hamlet to take care of his selfish, self centered uncle by avenging his father's death and taking his uncle down. He wants Hamlet to remember him and remember the task that he has placed upon him.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. The ghost in the story plays role as the guidance of Hamlet. Horatio, Hamlet's beloved friend, describes the ghost as 'this' or 'it' because he thinks he cannot define the ghost fully. He thinks understanding the existence of ghost is beyond his knowledge. However, Hamlet describes the ghost as 'stranger' like some people described Jesus in the bible. Which indicates that like Jesus the ghost is the guidance of Hamlet, which will lead him to have a revenge for his father death and to take his place back. -Josh Lee

  15. The Ghost's role throughout act one becomes increasingly more important. When the ghost is first introduced, it is not of great importance. As the Act progresses, the ghost reveals to hamlet and the audience the true nature of his death. The ghosts message is so important for Hamlet because it lets him see how his father was murdered. When Hamlet learns that it was Claudius who killed his father, Hamlet Begins to contemplate murdering Claudius. The Ghost tries to urge Hamlet to get revenge on Claudius by reminding Hamlet of his death.

  16. Whereas his brother, Claudius, constantly tries to cause Hamlet to believe that the death of King Hamlet was natural, the Ghost King informs Hamlet of the fact that he was killed by Claudius. According to him, Claudius killed him by pouring poison into his ear. He stirs up Hamlet's anger towards Gertrude's marriage with Claudius by describing Claudius as "incestuous, adulterate beast" and turns Hamlet’s frustration into hatred. In addition, he becomes the catalyst by telling Hamlet to remember him and to revenge his death.

  17. When the Ghost of King Hamlet tells Hamlet the truth about his death, it seems as if he is trying to instigate conflict between his son and his brother. The goal the ghost has in this conversation with his son is to reveal the truth about his death and so that Hamlet can avenge his death. Hamlet finally learned the actual cause of his father's death which was that Claudius had poisoned and killed him. The Ghost wants Claudius's greed for power to not go unknown to Hamlet who is constantly reminded to go and kill his father's murderer.

  18. The Ghost King is an important piece of the story, he comes back to see Hamlet and to tell him of his death. He explains how Claudius had poisoned him. When he learns of his return he is intrigued to talk to him. The Ghost King explains to Hamlet to revenge his death and talks about how his Queen has been taken by his murder. The main goal of the Ghost is to inspire Hamlet but at the same time he is haunted by his returned due to the fact that he at first does no know how to process this information but uses it to plan his revenge.

  19. The Ghost motivated Hamlet to revenge by telling him the truth of King Hamlet's unnatural death. Ghost pointed out that Claudius was the murderer. The goal of the Ghost is to let Hamlet revenge against Claudius and replace him as the king. The Ghost also eminded Hamlet to not hurt the Queen. He asked Hamlet to remember the sins of Claudius and the death of King Hamlet
